Young blood beer company
After a night involving a few beers, three ordinary and unique guys start a brewery. Each one brings a different background from the brewing industry for a perfect cohesion of talents, skills, and personalities.
Billy shares stories about some of the most creative beer names we’ve ever heard of: Tropical Wyatt Earp, Werewolves Not Swear Wolves, Hell Bent on Leather... to name a few. We even get live reactions from Billy’s first taste of some Young Blood beer, along with a beer description calling Billy out.
Not only are the beer names creative, but Young Blood Beer Company likes to have some fun with the actual beers as well. Take, for instance the Husky Hustle Hot Chocolate Stout with Vanilla… made with a whole lotta Swiss Miss.
Young Blood definitely has a passion for saisons, and Kyle's one of the best in the business for them. So PAR poses the question: “How good could Kyle make a Peanut Butter Saison?”