This episode has been on Cameron's guest bucket list since the beginning!

Cameron has been tricking friends into shots of Malört for 10 years now. Jonathan has had his fair share of those Malört shots as well. For some reason, Cameron loves Malört and Jonathan is still friends with him. It all works out!

CH Distillery, in Chicago's Pilsen neighborhood, produces a unique hand-crafted vodka, along with a huge spirit lineup. They acquired Malört just a few years ago and brought it back to Chicago. 

This Chicago cult-following utilizes wormwood for its flavor like no other. It's been dubbed "The Champagne of Pain." There have also been taglines like "When you want to kick your mouth in the balls" or "When you want to unfriend someone in person." Rather than being offensive to the people of Malört, they lean into the quirkiness of it all.

On average, the city of Chicago goes through 15,000 shots of Malört a night!